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Natalie does a lot of writing, here's some of what she's done...

Out Of Control; Couples, conflict and the capacity for change (SPCK - 2019).
Gender Aware Youth Practice; Confronting Gender-based Injustice With Young People (Grove Books - 2017)
Stars in the Sky Poetry Anthology (WiN - 2009)

The Leadership Trap Grove Book
Surviving Corona edited by David Johnson.
Feminist Trauma Theologies edited by Karen O'Donnell and Katie Cross.
ISKRA: A Poetry Anthology edited by Louise Pennington
The Lightbulb Moment edited by Sian Norris.
A Tale of Two Decisions at Sunderland Council (Sunderland Echo)
Super-powered by grace (Natalie's Masters Dissertation)
Tsunami of a Faith Crisis (Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence)
How To Recognise Abuse (SPCK)
The Future of Complementarity: When Newfrontiers became accidentally feminist (Christian Today)
Post-its and the personal: How a congregation came alive when I gave it space to respond (Christian Today)
Youthwork and Vaginas (Concrete Online)​
10 Questions with Natalie Collins (Jame Ballantyne blog)
Gender Aware Youth Work (Sophia Network)
The CofE's transgender guidance is a good first step, but we must go further (Christian Today)
What about the boys? How churches can tackle the growth of sexual violence (Christian Today)
10 reasons why Mike Pence's 'Billy Graham Rule' harms us (Christianity Magazine)
Worshipping God in the polling station (We Are Worship)
When is Father's Day? Warnings and advice for churches on the difficulties of Father's Day (Christian Today)
Masculinity and Fragility (Concrete Online)
How church youth groups are getting it wrong about gender (Christian Today)
Three Girls: How the Rochdale child abuse scandal challenges the Church (Christian Today)
Christian Feminist Q & A (CFN)
Why What Emma Watson Wears Is Our Problem, Not Hers (Christian Today)
Fifty Shades Darker normalises abuse. Christians must protest it (Christianity Magazine)
There's a 'rape clause' in the tax credit system. Here's why it's wrong (Christian Today)
Thordis Elva And Tom Stranger's Shocking TED Talk: Why Forgiveness Is Rarely The Answer (Christian Today)
Is Male Friendship A Casualty Of The Sexual Revolution? (Christian Today)​
Resources to help with Father's Day (Christianity Magazine)
The lack of women speakers at Christian events is evidence of gender injustice in the Church (Christianity Magazine)
No Women Speakers At Your Christian Event? Here's How That Could Change (Christian Today)
9 reasons XXX Church misunderstands pornography consumption (Christian Today)
This Is How You Are Complicit In Trump's Sexual Boasts (Christian Today)​
Ten Myths About Domestic Abuse You Didn't Know You Believed - Part 1 (CBE)
Ten Myths About Domestic Abuse You Didn't Know You Believed - Part 2 (CBE)
Christians must not be silent on the sins of Oscar Pistorius (Christianity Magazine)
Salvation Army 'The Dress' advert: It's raised awareness, but of what exactly? (Christian Today)​
Natalie Collins Introduces Us to Project 3:28 (Sophia Network)
Review of Elaine Storkey’s “Scars Across Humanity” (Fulcrum Anglican)
It's Never Okay (Sophia Network)
Jesus was not a feminist (Sophia Network)
I am because he is (Thorns and Gold)
The Own My Life course; Building Literacy with women about trauma through the Power Threat Meaning Framework (Clinical Psychology Forum)
Interview with Natalie Collins (Church Times)
Churches need to wise up to domestic abuse (YCW Magazine)
Making Feminism Look Good (Church Times)
A haven for the victims — not the perpetrators (Church Times)
Preach Magazine Column (2017 - 2018)
Your Children Are Watching Porn (YCW Magazine)
Til Death Do Us Part (Idea Magazine)
The Month Column (2016 - 2017)
Five Ways Pastors Unconsciously Reinforce Abuse, and How to Do Better (Mutuality Magazine)
Women on the Platform (Christianity Magazine)
Setting the Stage for Equality (Mutuality Magazine)
Tackling Domestic Abuse in the Church (Caring Magazine)
Programme for Christian Teenagers (IAFN Magazine)
I forgave him whatever he did (Christianity Magazine)